Southtown Salt Cave
Hello Friends,
We are Pam and Mike Toole; both of us born and raised in Western New York and continue to call Hamburg home. We are also Registered Nurses who understand the benefits of medicine as well as an appreciation of complimentary holistic health options.
I (Pam) am also a Psychic Medium and Reiki Master. You will see me involved in many of the events and classes that we host.
While celebrating our anniversary we chose to spend a day at a Salt Cave and it transformed our lives. We knew we wanted to bring this back to Western New York for others to experience. It was absolutely amazing. We indulged in a cave session, a hand and foot detox as well as an infrared session. We especially enjoyed the stories and studies from Europe. One of our favorites was about the miners from Europe. A doctor discovered that some miners were living long and healthy lives while others were living short sickly lives. Upon further investigation he found that coal miners were those who were sickly and Himalayan salt miners were living long healthy lives. When researching the reason behind the difference he found that the salt aerosol created excellent respiratory health and mineral supplements. Today there is a health clinic in an old salt mine in Europe because of the extraordinary health benefits it provides.
We have re-created this salt mine or cave, as we call it, so we can offer an adjunct to your current health regime and holistic options for wellness.
This entire experience has brought us to reclaim our health and we invite you to Reclaim Your Health!
The Toole Family